título | Desc. | Rating (votar) | Hits |
Options |
10 estrellas variables observables a simple vista | S&T |
| 231 | |
AAVSO | American Association of Variable Star Observers |
| 164 | |
AAVSO suscripción de alertas y noticias | |
| 154 | |
Adventure with Variable Stars (PwPoint) | observación de estrellas variables con webcam |
| 146 | |
Algol, efemérides de sus eclipses | desde S & T |
| 157 | |
AN ATLAS OF O-C DIAGRAMS OF ECLIPSING BINARY STARS | Jerzy M. Kreiner, Chun-Hwey Kim, Il-Seong Nha // |
| 188 | |
Anys Llum | Xavier Bros |
| 144 | |
Catalina Real-time Transient Survey Optical Transients | |
| 289 | |
| 162 | |
colección artículos FOTOMETRIA, Ramón Naves | |
| 169 | |
CUÁSAR-BLAZAR-AGN | Diego Rodríguez |
| 161 | |
curvas de luz, históricos | |
| 154 | |
Destellos (grupo de alerta, yahoo groups) | |
| 145 | |
Diagrama H-R Hertzsprung-Rusell | PDF que ha salido en Investigación y Ciencia |
| 159 | |
ECLIPSING BINARIES, Linear ephemerides | Mt. Suhora Observatory, Astronomy Department of the Pedagogical University in Kraków, Poland. |
| 299 | |
ECLIPSING BINARY STARS www.midnightkite.com | soft. lists. articles |
| 193 | |
Efemérides: Exoplanet Transit Database - ETD | desde Czech Astronomical Society |
| 158 | |
Efemérides: Minima predictions for any observing site | desde Czech Astronomical Society |
| 201 | |
Efemérides: UP-TO-DATE LINEAR ELEMENTS OF ECLIPSING BINARIES | J.M. Kreiner, 2004, Acta Astronomica, vol. 54, pp 207-210. |
| 189 | |
El Ojo en el Cielo | Blog de Francisco Rodriguez Bergali sobre observación estrellas variables |
| 170 | |
espectros estelares, Atlas de , (MK system) | Clasificación de Morgan-Keenan 1943 |
| 259 | |
fotometría con pequeños telescopios | |
| 163 | |
GCN Circulars, GRB research community | |
| 1033 | |
GEA. Grup d'Estudis Astronòmics | astrogea.org sección estrellas variables |
| 142 | |
GEOS | |
| 140 | |
| 163 | |
http://personales.jet.es/drodrig/cuasar/precua.htm | |
| 134 | |
introducción a la Observación de estrellas variables | |
| 204 | |
Introduction to Astronomical Photometry Using CCDs | PDF W. Romanishin, University of Oklahoma |
| 144 | |
journal "Peremennye Zvezdy" (Variable Stars) | founded by Prof. B.V. Kukarkin (1909–1977) in 1928 |
| 139 | |
Latest Supernovae | | David Bishop // Photometry Reference images |
| 161 | |
| 127 | |
Magnitude System and Color Conversion Formulas | Magnitude System and Color Conversion Formulas Seiichi Yoshida |
| 373 | |
Método Argelander observación | y calculadora de magnitud observada |
| 150 | |
MISAO project | Multitudinous Image-based Sky-survey and Accumulative Observations |
| 152 | |
Observadores de Supernovas | |
| 153 | |
Open European Journal on Variable Stars | OEJV is an on-line electronic journal for results, analysis and studies of Variable Stars |
| 238 | |
Programa de tipos SW Sextantis, of some Nova-like stars | grupo M1 |
| 117 | |
Radiometry and photometry in astronomy | |
| 142 | |
referencia fotométricas para galaxias | para observación Supernovas |
| 144 | |
RR Lyrae stars - GEOS Database | |
| 152 | |
SkyEye - webcam system for observations of variable stars | For the advanced observers! Knowledge about astronomical observations with a webcamera |
| 144 | |
Typological classification of variable stars | GCVS Variability Types |
| 146 | |
Variable Star and Exoplanet Section | Czech Astronomical Society |
| 720 | |
Variable Star Planner - John D. Sabia | Algol, RZ Cas, Delta Cep, V1016 Ori, U Sge, Delta Lib, Zeta Gem, Eta Aql ... |
| 152 | |
Variables Cataclismicas | |
| 161 | |
Variastar | estrellas variables y su observación, y fotometría CCD. Miguel Rodríguez |
| 144 | |
VSNET y curvas de luz de varias fuentes | |
| 507 | |
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